Frequently Asked Questions

Is counselling really for me, I don’t feel like my problems are bad enough?


Counselling is for everyone. Not just those who may consider themselves to be in an extreme crisis. We are all striving to live our lives in the best possible way but sometimes our environment, our relationships or life events make this difficult or sometimes impossible. We all require extra support at some point in our lives — sometimes you do just need a non-judgemental person to talk to, who can walk alongside you for a little while. Whatever your situation or difficulty, you’ll be warmly welcomed by me.

How much are sessions?


Face-to-face and online sessions are £60 and each session lasts for 50 minutes.

Outdoor sessions are £65 and each session lasts for 1 hour.

Outdoor therapy with wild swimming sessions are £100 and last for 2 hours.

Is everything I say confidential?


Yes, everything we talk about will be completely confidential. The only exception to this is if you were at risk of harming yourself or harming another person, in which case I would need to inform someone. If this were to happen, I would always do my utmost to discuss this with you first, so you were always aware of what was happening and we could come up with a plan to keep you safe together.

Do you offer a free consultation where we can get to know each other?


 Yes! Absolutely. I offer a free 20 minute phone consultation where I can tell you more about me and how I work, and you can ask as many questions as you like.

Do you work flexible hours?


Yes. I have clinic hours available throughout the week in the morning, afternoon or evening. I’m sure we can find something that will work for you. I don’t currently work weekends.

I do offer some fortnightly sessions for clients, however this is if there is a specific fortnightly slot available where you would alternate each week with another person. I don’t offer monthly sessions.

How many sessions will I need?


This is really down to what you hope to get out of therapy and your own unique circumstances and needs. If you are experiencing a small blip in your life then you may only need 6 sessions to help you find solutions. If you are working through something deeper or that has been around for a lot longer then you may need many more. We work one session at a time and ultimately this is in your hands. You can have as many or a few as you feel you need.

How often will I need to come?


Most people come once a week when they first begin therapy. This is to ensure that we get to know each other quickly and get stuck in, allowing the therapy process to flow. Some people come more than once a week, especially if in crisis. Later, some people opt to come fortnightly as they start to learn how to move forward on their own and find new paths. Again, this is something you can decide based on your own personal circumstances.

Do you offer online or telephone counselling or even home visits?


I do. Sometimes is hard to get to a therapy room so I do offer phone or online counselling. I also offer home visits if it’s feasible for me to get to you. We would discuss these options together to find a way that works for us both.

I feel like I need to speak to someone urgently and I don’t know where to turn.


If you are experiencing a real crisis and feel you need immediate support please contact your GP, emergency services or the Samaritans (Call 116 123) where there is someone available to talk to 24 hours a day. Unfortunately, I cannot guarantee I will be available to pick up the phone or reply to an email immediately (I aim to respond within 48 hours at the latest – though rarely does it take this long). Often it takes a few days for us to arrange a suitable session time. Please seek the help you require immediately – do not wait or put it off. It’s important that you are safe.

Is there a cancellation charge?


If you do not attend a session without cancelling in advance, or if you cancel within 48 hours of your session, I would have to charge you the full amount for the session.